EdenOne - your experience both deeply saddens me while simultaneously filling me with an intense burning red hot blazing fire of rage in every cell of my god damn body.. I feel your pain
This sort of thing reeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally pisses me off.
Over the last year or so, thinking about JW behaviour, i had an epiphany... it may be right, it may be wrong..but I feel that JW's show love, 'love bombing' etc, not out of deep compassion for the person you are, but rather, because it apparently 'pleases Jehovah' and 'makes Jehovah look like a loving god, through his so-called people's actions'... they are doing it 'for Jehovah's name's sake' (because for some reason he is unable to do this for himself), or because it was A COMMAND from Jesus..., they love because it's written in a book that admonishes it or because they are told from the platform when and who to love; there is no heart in it, in other words, their love is out of DUTY, they love because they HAVE TO do it... I guess the reason why 'brothers' don't make contact, and have nothing to say is because, 'it's not in the kingdom ministry, or in the study edition of the watchtower', if they're not told how to act, then they don't act because there is no compassion in there in the first place.... Any previously existing involuntary or impromtu, or impulsive compassion they may have had was ceremonially removed a looooong time ago...
And now they are acting like the typical pharisee who practiced 'corban' (or Korban),because when they have the opportunity to show love to another human, they would rather take that gift (their time and love) and dedicate it to Jehovah, and leave another human to suffer or hold back love from someone in need; Jesus hated this, but this is exactly how JW's act..
Matthew 15:5,6-- But YOUsay, ‘Whoever says to his fatheror mother: “Whatever I have bywhich you might get benefit from me is a gift dedicated to God,”he must not honor his fatherat all...
This is exactly how those brothers acted towards you, they go by the book just like the pharisees, and any natural affection is completely suppressed. Sorry you had to experience that lack of love. Hopefully it will reinforce any doubts you had about returning to the fold